Soul Companions

Neither Salukis nor Afghan hounds are common breeds in Australia, and people are sometimes surprised to learn that a rescue service is even needed.
For the past two decades we have assisted numerous hounds to find their way to their ideal home; a home where they will be understood and loved as a family member. Before we place any hound, we will ask a lot of questions about any potential home, which may feel a bit intrusive, and will want to do a home check, so that we can be satisfied that your yard and fences are high and secure enough to contain these creative hounds.
Since 1967, Sighthounds have been my companions. My first Afghan hound was a beautiful boy called Shan. Since then we have shared our lives with Praja, Miss Piggy, Khan, Shanti , Star, and Roxanne. My first Saluki, Faranth, was followed by Belle, Lucy, Sallyann and Bailey who are now all in Spirit and waiting at the Bridge. Currently we share our lives with an Afghan and a Saluki, Shan and Layla.
With the exception of our first two, Shan and Praja, they have all come to us through rescue or private rehomings.
For the love of these hounds who have been a part of our family and those who continue to enrich my life, I will do whatever is possible, at that time, to help an Afghan or Saluki in need.
For more information about our rescue service, please contact me via email - pam@soulcompanions.com or by phone 0417 051 519, or Anita at anita@alshirasalukis.com